Residential Criteria

The criteria for admission into the program for all newcomers will be based on their ability to participate voluntarily and benefit from the services we offer.   Next Step Behavioral Houston is a private pay agency. We also accept most insurances. Please keep in mind just because we accept insurance that does not mean treatment is covered. It is your responsibility to call the insurance company to verify coverage for residential treatment. In all cases, there will be an out of pocket monthly expense for room and board, which is not covered by insurance.

If you or your family member meets the admission criteria listed below, please call us.  We are ready to discuss our treatment program and began the healing and growth work.

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Years Experience

Admission Criteria:

• Age 18 or older
• Diagnosed as having a mental illness
• Ability to self-administer medications under the staff supervision
• Ability to participate in treatment programming and services
• No medical conditions that requires ongoing nursing care 24/7
• Maintains personal hygiene and grooming with staff supervision
• Can perform assigned household chores with staff supervision
• Performs assigned household chores with and without staff supervision
• Can maintain cleanliness of shared bathroom space

Special Admission Criteria:

This level of service will require potentially additional support supervision or assistance; therefore, the assessment period fees will be higher for the first month until stepdown determination is made by the clinical team. See Fee page.

• Imminent, un-stabilized or persistent behaviors posing danger to self or others (suicidal, aggressive or self-injurious) and possibly requiring more supervision.
• Chronic inappropriate behavior which disrupts, or could potentially disrupt, the facility’s activities or is harmful to self or others.
• Current misdemeanor legal charges or court ordered.

Admissions Process

1. Payment is due before or at the time of admission. Once the client is admitted, we do not offer refunds for the first month. It is recommended that new residents commit to the program for at least 3 months.

Wire: If you choose to make a direct wire transfer please inform our financial administrator and we will call you or send a secure email with our bank information.
Check: If you send a check please make it out to “Next Step Behavioral Houston” and send to the following address:

Next Step Behavioral Houston
Attention: Dr. Rosalind Smith
3124 Prospect st., Houston, Texas 77004

2. Legal documents. Although we do not need any original legal documents, we do need copies of the following:
a. Driver’s License or state issued ID/Picture ID
b. Social Security card
c. Insurance card. Medicare/Medicaid card/etc.

3. Past facility, hospitalization or other medical or psychiatric evaluation papers. Next Step Behavioral Houston (NSBH) would like to have all copies of any information we can get about the history of the client. This information helps us with treatment and therapy of the client.

4. Admission Papers. All forms for admission are located under the “Application Form” tab. Please fill them out, fax or bring them on admission day.
5. Express Pay. Please call or go to the Healthy Strides Pharmacy at 281-888-2235 to ensure set up for Express Pay so we are able to pick up medications or have it delivered for the client whenever needed.
Healthy Strides Rx Pharmacy 4401 Emancipation Ave, Houston Texas 77004

6. Medications. If you have any medications or prescriptions (current or past) for the client please bring them.
7. Personal Items. Please bring the clients personal items which would include clothes, shoes, radio player, undergarments, and any specialized hygiene or beauty products that they may use. Please refer to the list on our website for additional approved items to bring. Items brought that are not on the approved list will be mailed back at the families expense.

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